Halloween is coming! Every year me and my kids go on the hunt for the scariest haunted houses around and we still haven't found one. One day I'll write about all the places we've gone and want to go but for now I'm just going to talk about a place that people say is really haunted.
I lived in a house for ten years and although I haven't seen and heard the same things other people have, I've felt like there was a presence or a cold spot while I was there and that was about it.
A brief history on the house: Originally it was a one room school house, built in the late 1800's and then bought by a family that didn't stay there more than five years after trying to make it into a home. Sold it to a young husband and wife that had five kids.
Through the years, strange things would happen that no one could explain
but they loved where they lived and refused to move out of the house. Jimmy was the youngest of the five kids, a cute little three year old with big brown eyes. He loved to play with his little cars and marbles. When I lived there we would randomly find little steel cars and glass marbles throughout the yard while outside working.
One day Jimmy was out in the back yard in a shed playing with his two older brothers and two cousins. Somehow the shed caught on fire, everyone got out but Jimmy. The father ran out of the house and tried everything to get his son out but the shed was lined on the inside with chicken wire. The father ended up with a severely burned face and deformed hands for the rest of his life but that was nothing compared to the loss of his young son whom he heard crying and screaming in pain and agony as he died.
Five years after Jimmy's death, Chrissy, the oldest of the five had gotten her drivers license. The day she got her license she asked to take the family car and go for a ride on her own. She no sooner pulled out of the driveway and a truck plowed right into the car, killing her instantly.
Joe was the oldest boy, he learned to canoe in the boy scouts and was teaching the younger boys how to paddle and steer in the river across the street from the house. The river wasn't very fast or deep but somehow two years after Chrissy's horrible accident, Joe disappeared under the water and by the time he was found, he was no longer alive.
One girl and one boy were left of all the children in the family. They grew up and moved out and refused to visit their parents, always wanting the parents to find somewhere else to live and always saying the house was not a place where people should live.
The father died in his chair in the dining room where he would read his Bible daily. The mother died in her bed in a bedroom downstairs.
Five years after they passed away I bought the house. I got it at a good price because no one would buy it, it belonged to family and it was thought at the time that it should be kept in the family. Just a little note on this; I didn't know all of the history on the house until after I had already bought and moved in this house. I knew it was a one room school house at one time and the basement was kind of spooky so I would tell my kids' friends that there used to be a school master that used to burn kids in the furnace if they were considered bad by him. The kids would disappear and people in the town just thought that they had run away.
About a week after we moved in my daughter, who was twelve at the time asked if we had company the night before. When I told her no, she got a really funny look on her face, ran down the stairs and checked to make sure all the doors were locked. They were. I was told that there was a blonde haired, brown eyed boy with a white shirt, tan pants that looked like they had balloons above a pair of lace up, brown boots, standing on the staircase, staring at her through her bedroom doorway. Hands in his pockets just smiling at her, watching her sleep.
A friend of mine stopped to visit one day and I wasn't home when he got there. Me and the kids pulled in the driveway and found Dan behind the garage calling for us. I laughed at him and said we had just got there, why was he behind the house yelling for us? He said he heard the kids laughing and thought they were playing a game of hide and seek and he was chasing them, never seen them but heard them. There were no neighbors close enough to mistake a neighbor kids' voice and when all of us walked around the house and met halfway, there was no one around.
Before the house was renovated, there was a large mirror in the bedroom, embedded in the wall with a ledge big enough around the bottom of it and you could sit on it. One night my husband woke up screaming, got up and ran out of the room, out of the house and into the front yard. He said he woke up and didn't know why and that someone with long black hair was staring at him in the mirror. He wouldn't talk about it after that night.
Slumber parties are always fun, my daughter had one on her thirteenth birthday and had about fifteen girls there. Everyone was downstairs watching movies and having a great time. I noticed there were a couple of the girls missing and started looking for them, they were upstairs, huddled in a corner and refused to come down the stairs. I assured them that the movies the other girls were watching weren't scary and it was okay to come down, nothing to be afraid of. They were scared and I let them know again, it was okay, nothing to be afraid of. I was told that there was a woman with long black hair, razor sharp teeth and really long silver finger nails and she told them if they went down the stairs, she would kill them and then started laughing. I got them down the stairs and the rest of the night was quiet, everyone fell asleep in front of the TV.
My youngest son was five when we moved there, he had a really big bedroom to share with his older brother upstairs. He would play up there during the day but would never sleep up in his bed. He was always asleep on the couch in the living room downstairs or in my bed. If I tucked him in his bed, he would sneak back down and go to sleep any and everywhere except upstairs.
When he was thirteen, he had to be home alone waiting for me to get home from work, he never said anything to me until we moved out years later but told me he used to hear someone stomping around upstairs, slamming doors. Funny thing was, the two bedrooms upstairs didn't have doors because the doorways were so odd shaped, we couldn't find doors to fit so we just used curtains.
My older son was sixteen and sound asleep upstairs one night, me and the other two kids were downstairs watching a movie. He called for me and he sounded like he was sick so I went to the bottom of the stairs and told him to come down, I'd take his temperature and I could get him a blanket and pillow and he could just come down and lie down in the living room with us. He said "Mom, I'm not sick, I'm just stuck" He really didn't look stuck to me, he was standing right at the top of the stairs! I went up, he said he "didn't want to scare the other two" and told me about this woman with red eyes, long black hair, razor sharp teeth and long finger nails. She had told him that if he went down the stairs she would kill his family before he made it halfway down. I tried to talk him into coming down but he refused and wouldn't discuss it with me after that.
Oddly enough, I never discussed any of this with the Pastor of my church. I asked him over to bless the house. He agreed, that was, until he got there, he came and knocked at the door and when I opened it and asked him in, he refused and said he had another appointment that he completely forgot about and couldn't do it that day and that houses really don't need to be blessed anyways. He never visited again.
My daughter had dreams after she moved out of the house, weird dreams about pulling in the driveway and people begging her to take them out of the house and take them with her. One man came out of the house with a shotgun and started shooting at her car and was laughing hysterically but didn't hurt her or damage the car, although she heard the blasts from the gun. She wouldn't visit often and when she did, she wouldn't stay long. Always was asking me to go visit her instead.
She's had dreams about the woman with the black hair coming after her with her wicked smile, always reaching for her but never catching her.
Eventually, me and the kids' dad divorced. He moved out of the house and not long after, my daughter got a place of her own. Me and my two sons lived there a couple more years and moved away.
My daughter stopped having dreams about the house and the 'other occupants' and people have told me they didn't like visiting me there and that the living room and dining room were always cold in certain spots. They had the feeling that someone was watching them and felt uncomfortable. I was told this by a lot of different people at different times.
The house went up for sale, no one bought it until recently, so it was empty for six years. On occasion, I would go and check on the house to make sure everything was okay and that no one was staying there or tearing up the place. I went there one day and found someone had tried to break in. I secured the house better and better every time I went there because it seemed every time I went back, someone had found a different way in.
I got mad the day I pulled up in the driveway and someone had dumped off a big old TV, a chair, a sip-pee cup and a piece of sidewalk chalk. Another mess I had to clean up. I got even madder another day when I went there and someone had stripped the wiring out of the basement and garage.
Odd, because the day I walked in and seen what someone had done to the wiring, I stood in the middle of the house, threw my hands up in the air in frustration and said "the next person that walks through this door that don't belong here and takes a part of this house with them, you have every right and my permission to go with them, it's over and you can leave!"
About a week later I was in the house, my daughter was in the area and she called me, I told her I was tired of the things that were going on there and wished that the bull crap would stop already! I told her what I said out loud the week before. She stopped in, went in the house, came out and said "wow! it really seems different in there, a whole different atmosphere and for some reason warmer in there than I've ever felt it and it's chilly today."
Two weeks later, I read about a man that had an argument with his parents about his two kids (the chalk and the sip-pee cup?) tied his parents up in chairs and killed them, strangling them with electrical wires and then shooting them with a shot gun. Before the police found the parents and him, he had taken the new big screen TV out of the house and sold it. He had been living out of a van in the town where my house was. Coincidence?
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