Saturday, September 29, 2012

Psychic or ESP?

Random being psychic the same thing as ESP (Extrasensory Perception) ?

We have five senses and those are touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell. Have you ever heard anyone mention their sixth sense? Considered to many people, it doesn't sound crazy to them or abnormal.

Someone that says they can tell who is calling when their phone rings (without a specific ring tone or checking caller ID) or knows that they are going to have company, something bad is going to happen, they go visit a friend or family member and they show up at the perfect time, take a different route to work and not knowing why except that "something told me to go the other way!" and avoiding a bad accident that would have happened at the exact same time they would have been traveling through?  Then their are the times we don't listen to our 'sixth sense' and don't answer a call that was important, miss a visit from someone because we didn't stay home like we thought we should, get in a fender bender because we 'went that way anyways.'

I've had this kind of stuff happen to me a lot and sometimes I wonder if these little things add up to something bigger. Maybe it's esp, maybe I'm psychic, maybe I'm just lucky!

I have a friend that loves going to psychic fairs and getting a recording of their session to see if things end up the way the psychic predicts. I am a little skeptical of psychics but more often than not, they seem to be right on track. Is it that they are 'reading' you, are they making assumptions and just guessing things because of the way you act, talk and dress?  Do they have extrasensory perception skills that have far surpassed the average person?

I know people that think psychics are scam artists or that they aren't religious or that it's just something bad all the way around but why is it such a far fetched idea if the rest of us have esp and think nothing of it?
Of course, I'm sure there are people that take your money and claim to be psychic and they're just grasping straws but I also think there are people that can perceive whether something good or bad is going to happen to someone just by feeling someone else's vibes or using their amplified sixth sense.

My answer is that being psychic is the same as having 'amplified esp.'


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