Friday, September 28, 2012

I Can See Your Aura!

I've always been curious about auras. Who could see them and why could they see them and the biggest  question of all, how could they see them?

The way I see it, anyone that has the patience to learn can see them but the thing that confuses someone trying to learn to do it is that not everyone has a strong aura so they are very hard to see. Someone that has very strong feelings about something usually has a strong aura.

It is said that every person, every organism and every object in the Universe has an aura, or electromagnetic field that surrounds them.
The human aura is an energy field or energies that are emitted from the living human body. The energies show up around the body in various colors in the shape of an oval, roughly 1 to 3 feet around the body, above the head and below the feet into the ground.

So why can’t we all of us see auras?
The way I see it, anyone that has the patience to practice and learn can see them but the thing that confuses someone trying to learn to do it is that not everyone has a strong aura and they are very hard to see.
Someone that has very strong feelings about something usually has a
strong aura, more vibrant colors, easier to see.
The ones we can’t see or that are hard to see are the people that are just doing the same thing, day after day and aren’t really feeling much of anything. Just going through the motions of life, doing what they need to do.

The first time I seen an aura, I didn’t realize exactly what it was or why I was seeing it. I was talking to a friend of mine and noticed an
orange/brown ring around her, kind of like someone had been holding a colored light bulb behind her. I had glasses on at the time and without looking away from her, I moved the glasses off of my eyes, just to make sure I was seeing a color coming from her and not a tint or hue caused by the glasses. I’m nearsighted and even though she was really blurry, I still could see the tints of colors surrounding her.

She was upset about a lot of things that she had no control over. Everyone else was making decisions for her that she wanted to make and she was feeling really stressed out.

I looked up orange auras, read a lot about auras and didn’t see what the color orange really had to do with any of the feelings she was having and then after doing a lot of reading, realized that auras aren’t just one color.
Her aura was definitely orange but after the orange, on the outside was brown.

Orange Relates to reproductive organs and emotions.Orange is the color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. Then there was the brown overlay and brown is the color that tends to reflect a negative condition. So what was going on? She was excited to be moving to a new home, she couldn’t wait to get into her new house and get it set up, to get her kids into a new school and to have a great new job making more money, that was the orange showing through.

The brown was showing because she was feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and upset or angry. She couldn’t get to her new home, everyone else was trying to make decisions for her before she got there, that she wanted to be making. Nothing was running on schedule for the move. She wanted her kids to move before the new school year started so they had a few friends. She didn’t want to go shopping for school clothes for them only to have to pack and unpack them all over again and she didn't know which school supplies her kids would need.

I was afraid to tell her what I had seen, I figured she would think I was a lunatic but thought it was in her best interest for her to know,  so I threw caution to the wind and just told her that I had noticed she had an orange aura with brownish overtones. She thought it was interesting and started researching auras on her own.

That day when I told her and explained a little bit about both colors surrounding her, she was more ambitious to get things done and started working and moving towards her goal that she thought was off in the distant future.

Her and her family  were ready to go to start her new life within three days instead of the two weeks she thought it would take.

She let me know when I talked to her, that she was sure if I could see her aura now, the brown would be totally gone! -->

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